Customise your site
- Customise your site
Learn how to change the look and feel of your pkgdown site.
- quarto vignettes
Learn how quarto vignettes work with pkgdown, including currently supported features and known limitations.
- Translations
If your documentation is written in a language other than English, you can automatically translate the text generated by pkgdown by setting the
field. If your language isn’t currently supported, we’ll show you how you can provide translations.- Accessibility
- Auto-linking
Learn how pkgdown’s automatic linking works, and how you can customise it.
- Metadata
Customise metadata and social media cards for pkgdown websites.
Advanced techniques
- How to update a released site
A guide to updating the “released” version of your pkgdown site without having to release a new version of your package.
These articles are used to test various pkgdown features that can not easily be tested automatically.